OMG! Thank to mango_cake from the spcnet forum, now we got a proof that the girl was indeed Yang Mi! =D It seems like Hu Ge didn't notice Yang Mi's presence yet lol Actually, it was stated that Hu Ge was bored before Yang Mi's appearance. It's quite a cute GeMi pic. When was the last real GeMi pic taken?! It was long time ago, wasn't it?
lundi 26 décembre 2011
GeMi - Anhui TV drama award (2)
Just made a manip of GeMi at the Anhui TV drama award!! =D It's just to point out that their outfits kinda match XD They both have an asymetric outfit? The left side of their outfit is longer than the right side. We can't really see the right side of Hu Ge's outfit on the pic but it's atually shorter. Yang Mi's dress is acceptable but Hu Ge's outfit having one side longer than the other is just so weird LOL Let's think that the purpose was to match indirectly with Yang Mi lol...
GeMi - Anhui TV drama award (1)
During the Anhui TV drama award, not only that our 3 female leads of Chinese Paladin 3 got to be reunited but also the main couple Jing Tian (Hu Ge) & Xue Jian (Yang Mi)!! =D Actually, Yang Mi's sit wasn't beside Hu Ge but she went to sit with him to chat, so cute! Sadly, there aren't any pictures of GeMi where we can see Yang Mi's face but if we compare Yang Mi's hair in both pics, it does seem to be her! Moreover, the one who took the GeMi pics also stated that the girl was Yang IT'S A GEMI REUNION! =D
Wish they could collaborate in another serie or movie soon! I want them to pair up again and to have a obvious happy ending! Unlike in Liao Zhai where she died but supposely become a butterfly and will soon be reunited with him...or in Chinese Paladin 3 where they kinda end up together but he will die soon...Anyways! GeMi, I'm waiting for your collaborations in the future! =D
Poll result - Chinese Paladin 1 VS Chinese Paladin 3
Chinese Paladin 3 won with 18 votes.
Chinese Paladin 1 got 6 votes.
mardi 15 novembre 2011
Chinese Paladin 1 - 7 years later!
Hu Ge just posted on his weibo a pic of him with Liu Yi Fei and Ady An! Yep, it's a Li Xiao Yao, Zhao Ling Er, and Lin Yue Ru reunion! XD Although I am not very a fan of Chinese Paladin 1, it's still nice to have a picture of the trio after 7 years! Here is it, enjoy!
Hu Ge wrote:
左边:赵灵儿姐姐 右边:林月如姐姐 中间:李逍遥叔叔 人人都说岁月是把杀猪刀 好吧 只有中间那位是猪
mardi 18 octobre 2011
Poll - Chinese Paladin 1 VS Chinese Paladin 3
Just added a new poll: " Chinese Paladin 1 VS Chinese Paladin 3 " !
Just wanted to know people's choice in general! ^^ This poll will end in two months exactly!
Thank you for voting!
vendredi 14 octobre 2011
MV - Chinese Paladin 3 to Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (3)
Another video of my version of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, the scene where Zhang Wu Ji (Hu Ge) and Zhou Zhi Ruo (Liu Shi Shi)'s wedding was stopped by Zhao Min (Yang Mi)!! I used
clips from:
- Chinese Paladin
- Chinese Paladin 3
- Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei
- Liao Zhai Zhi Yi
- Liao Zhai Qi Nu Zi
- Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2000
voices from:
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2000, 2003, 2009
Enjoy!! ;)
jeudi 13 octobre 2011
Episode 36: Jing Tian went to Zi Xuan instead of Xue Jian?
Just rewatched the part where everybody "died", I was kind of mad at first since Jing Tian (Hu Ge) went to see Zi Xuan (Tiffany Tang) instead of his love, Xue Jian (Yang Mi) but after watching the scene this time, I realize that maybe Jing Tian wanted to run to Xue Jian. If we rewatch the scene, we can see that Jing Tian didn't ran directly to Zi Xuan, he stopped in front of her. I believe that he was about to run toward Xue Jian BUT he noticed that she was already dead while Zi Xuan was still alive. That's why he went to see Zi Xuan. Whether I am right or not, I choose to believe in my theory...because of my love for GeMi! =D
mercredi 12 octobre 2011
Hu Ge & Yang Mi's english name?
Just randomly LOL, I found out that Hu Ge's english name is Hugh a while ago but it was only last week that I learned about Yang Mi's english name...Mini o-o! It was totally new to me LOL Hugh Hu & Mini Yang....both share a pretty special name to me lol...I just wanted to share the new with everybody XD
Ohh and I posted a gif of Jing Tian and Xue Jian's kiss...just to remind you the Chinese Paladin 3's days! =D
jeudi 1 septembre 2011
GeMi (1)
From what I read on the spcnet forum, I think most of people are now shipping for ShiGe (Hu Ge & Liu Shi Shi) or GeYan (Hu Ge & Tiffany Tang) and FengMi (Feng Shao Feng & Yang Mi). I may be one of those rare people who still love GeMi the most...I'm still waiting for another collaboration, or at least, some pictures together...
Recently, I've learnt that Hu Ge is the one who stole Yang Mi's first on screen and real life kiss!!! =D I thought it was yah...just passing the new for GeMi fans...just in case some fans don't know about it, hehe! So yah, their kiss in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi was Yang Mi's first kiss ever!! If only GeMi could date in real life....
Done with the good it's time for the bad new...! I knew that Karen hates Yang Mi because she refused to endorse Fantasy Zhu Xian. Yes, I am a little bit sad because she missed an opportunity to pair up with Hu Ge...but it wasn't because she doesn't want to but it was because she is already endorsing another game! Since that incident, I knew it will be hard to have another GeMi collaboration, thank to that Karen...but it wasn't all....actually I hate Karen more and more....
No more GeMi reunion
I am still waiting for another GeMi collaboration but I know the chance is quite low...fine...but I was expecting for pictures of them together at least...I always get excited when there is an event where both Hu Ge and Yang Mi will be attending..but always end up disappointed...why? Well, BECAUSE KAREN FORBID THE TANGREN PEOPLE TO BE IN CONTACT WITH YANG MI!! Even a picture, it isn't possible =.=" I do believe that they still see each other and take picture together but those picture can't be posted or weibo or anywhere because of Karen...nvm Karen!! I'll just continue to photoshop GeMi together!!
No Yang Mi during Chinese Paladin 3 promotions
I read somewhere from a ShiGe fans that it was funny how Hu Ge promote Chinese Paladin 3 with Liu Shi Shi and not with female lead Yang Mi. At first, I thought it was because Yang Mi was busy so she didn't attend every promotions...but actually once again, it's Karen's work! I heard that she banned Yang Mi from attending the Chinese Paladin 3 promotions, events. She even removed Yang Mi's picture from the promotions pictures...
I just hate Karen so much now...If only Hu Ge can ignore Karen....or just leave TangRen =.=" Okay...seeing how Karen hates Yang Mi....I believe she even includes "I can't contact Yang Mi." in Hu Ge's contract LOL Anyways...I AM STILL WAITING FOR GEMI NO MATTER WHAT!!
dimanche 21 août 2011
My favourites scenes
Just decided to do a list of the scenes I like....=D
Episode 37
Of course I love the very last scene of the series too! Jing Tian and Xue Jian watching the snow falling. I love how Jing Tian looked at Xue Jian and then he regretted his deal with The Heaven King...I can absolutely feel how much he loves her...
Episode 8
It mays not be a memorable scene or anything but I just love it. Jing Tian (Hu Ge) came back and learned that Xue Jian (Yang Mi) got kicked out of the Tang's family, he went looking for her and treated her noodles. She refused at first but he insisted so she accepted. He even ordered 2 others bowls for her when she didn't finish the first one yet. Poor Mao Mao (Lam Chi Chung) who wanted to eat so badly lol. Xue Jian looked so embarrassed...but I just loved how Jing Tian looked at her when she was eating! ^.^
Episode 15
The scene where Jing Tian asked Xue Jian how did she know about Chang Qing (Wallace Huo) and Zi Xuan (Tiffany Tang)'s story. She then started to beat him which caused Long Kui (Liu Shi Shi) to turn red and attacked Xue Jian. Jing Tian immediatly pushed Xue Jian behind him to protect her. I find it so cute, and it's probably one of the reason why Xue Jian loves Jing Tian. He always protect her even if he can't...
Episode 15
In the same episode...I find it funny when Jing Tian pretend to be Xue Jian's husband LOL but Xue Jian went attacking him, just love this couple!
Episode 15
Still in episode 15. When Jing Tian was sleeping, Xue Jian approached him and played with his nose happily! She was so cute!! It's quite funny when Jing Tian woke up lol.....he was just like "WTF are you doing?!?!"
Episode 17
The whole episode focus on Zi Xuan and Gu Liu Fang (Wallace Huo)'s story, it's also the beginning of the Love of three lifetimes. I enjoyed the whole episode but particulary when Zi Xuan confessed. She is just so cute, she just shouted like that "Gu Liu Fang, I love you!!". And her kiss was cute too! She just feel like doing whatever she wants to do. Plus, in this episode, we get to see how talented Tiffany is! We get to see her playing a young and playful girl!
Episode 19
Lin Ye Ping (Wallace Huo)'s death scene. It was tragic and memorable for me. It's so sad that he died and still thought that she doesn't really love him. Zi Xuan was so heartbroken...Wallace and Tiffany did a very good job!! It was a shocking scene!
Episode 22
It was exactly this moment that I start to love Hu Ge & Yang Mi pairing...why? Because it's also there that we can see that Jing Tian discovered how important Xue Jian was for him. Probably the first time that they are serious and didn't bicker when facing each other. When we see both of them walking separately, it was previsible that they will meet but I still feel very surprised when they meet lol
Episode 22
I love how Jing Tian wanted to confess subtly...he just stopped talking, looked at the sky...and told her "Something we look up and see isn't cloud (Yun Ting (Yuan Hong)) but sky (Tian like in Jing Tian). Xue Jian didn't know what to do, she denied and ran away....
Episode 22
Of course, I love the scene where they start dating too, they were damn too cute! They ran to each other again and Jing Tian just said it directly "I love you." I love it too when Jing Tian said "You are mine!" In this scene Jing Tian seems to be listening to Xue Jian lol And after she kissed him too, his reaction was so cute!!
Episode 25
Actually, I love the whole episode, I love Fei Peng (Hu Ge) and Xi Yao (Yang Mi)'s scene! They looked so confortable sitting talking with each other! Their character are so different from Jing Tian and Xue Jian but Hu Ge and Yang Mi played both role so well! Plus, they both look very nice as Fei Peng and Xi Yao!
Episode 26
The reunion scene!! After 2000 years of waiting, Xi Yao finally get to see Fei Peng again. Sadly, it was their last time meeting was a beautiful and touching scene!!
Episode 27
I just like when Jing Tian shouted "I'm so jealous!!!!" and when just done with the battle, Xue Jian just jumped to hug him it was to cute!! =D I love his reaction when she said "I think I heard someone saying that he's're jealous you're jealous!!" Jing Tian juste turned around and didn't know what to say was cute!
Episode 37
It was short but very cute, yah I know I just spam with their cuteness lol I love their touching and talk in this scene. They look so happy together!
Episode 37
Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's of the most sad and beautiful scene ever!! In this scene we can see how much they love each other, love it when Chang Qing hugged her, we can feel the strong love between them. They were so heartbroken but didn't let the other see how sad they are...they just walked separately and then both started to cry...Plus, the song "Da Ying Bu Ai Ni (Promised not to Love You)" was playing and it fits the scene so well!
Of course I love the very last scene of the series too! Jing Tian and Xue Jian watching the snow falling. I love how Jing Tian looked at Xue Jian and then he regretted his deal with The Heaven King...I can absolutely feel how much he loves her...
Other than those scenes, I also like everytime we sees Chang Qing acting funny....I mean...Chang Qing is a serious guy, too serious that it becomes funny o-o Like one time he was reading Jing Tian's letter, Jing Tian wrote a laugh "Haha" but when Chang Qing read it, he just went like "Ha..Ha..." His face was funny LOL And also before they went looking for the Earth Perl in the forest, Jing Tian told Chang Qing to sleep and told Mao Mao to "keep an eye on him". Mao Mao just stare at Chang Qing the whole time LOL I love Chang Qing's reaction XD It was funny....and I also love every Jing Tian and Xue Jian interactions hehe!
samedi 20 août 2011
Li Xiao Yao VS Jing Tian
My opinion has changed lol I was probably blinded by Hu Ge's look...Since he looked older in Chinese Paladin 3, I've always thought that Jing Tian have more leadership and less immature than Li Xiao Yao but actually, I'm wrong.
Hu Ge acted a way more immature as Jing Tian than Li Xiao Yao. I finally understand when Hu Ge said that thw two characters aren't the same. Li Xiao Yao has always been a hero. As for Jing Tian, he is just a simple young man who didn't think about being a hero at all. He only wants to be rich, to own the pawnshop Yong An to fulfill his father's wish. During battles, Li Xiao Yao fights for real but Jing Tian often uses his brain to win. Hehe, I can finally see the difference between those two characters...I'm a bit slow...but still! It's better being late than never! =D
Hu Ge's "most category"
Most memorable scene: The scene where Long Kui and Xue Jian must jump in fire to forge the sword
Most favourite dialogue: "If I didn't know I was a general in Heaven, my life won't be complicated like this." and "Your head!"
Most NGs scene: The Earth Pearl scene
Most difficult scene: When he had to put on Fei Peng's armor. It's pretty heavy and he must do the fighting scene with it
Jing Tian and Xue Jian's love?
I've read many comments on various forum. From what I see, a lot of people find Jiang Tian (Hu Ge) and Xue Jian (Yang Mi)'s relation boring. Some even think that Jing Tian doesn't even love Xue Jian...As for me, I just love them so much!! D= And I think their relation was quite cute...I do think they really love each other! =D
Tang Xue Jian loves Jing Tian?
I think most of people can actually see that she loves him lol She often get jealous when she sees him with other girls. Although she is always bickering with him, we can't deny that she actually loves him. I believe that she kind of hates him at first because he made her lost her face when they first met but after some adventures with him, she starts to love him. I think she starts to have a better impression of him when he was helping her to repair her grandpa's teapot. It was the first time she sees him being serious, she even told him that he looks cuter lol And then, later on, she travelled with him and loves him more and more. Although Jing Tian seems to be a looser compared to Chang Qing (Wallace Huo), he always protect Xue Jian when they faced danger. The red Long Kui (Liu Shi Shi) wanted to attack Xue Jian many times and Jing Tian always pushed Xue Jian away and defended her. Xue Jian probably feels very safe when she is with Jing Tian. Xue Jian once said that a true hero for her isn't someone who always win but someone who try his best to win even if he doesn't have the capacity to win. And this hero is of course, our Jing Tian! =D
Jing Tian loves Xue Jian?
Some people can't feel that Jing Tian loves Xue Jian because he kept pushing her to Yun Ting (Yuan Hong) but I think it was only because Jing Tian doesn't know what is love yet. It was his first time loving someone. Chang Qing once said that Jing Tian always lie to girl so it isn't possible for him to find a girl he truly like. Where we can conclude that Jing Tian never liked or loved any girl. Jing Tian fell in love with Xue Jian when they travelled together but he didn't realized it himself since he doesn't know what is love. He is always there to tease her and bicker with her, he only realize how important she is to him when Yun Ting announced that he will get married with Xue Jian. Then, he went to confess to her =D
They continue to bicker even after they start dating?
Their bickering annoy a lot of people but I find it very cute. They continued to bicker after they start dating. I am very fine with it. Since the beginning, they kept bickering with the other and then they slowy fall in love with each other. After dating, there is no reason the change the relation. I believe is Jing Tian suddenly becomes romantic like Chang Qing, Xue Jian may not love him as much as she does. I mean, she loves Jing Tian because he is Jing Tian, if she doesn't love him the way he is, she won't have chosen him. Same goes for Jing Tian. So I think it's quite cute and acceptable with their relation. Continuing to bicker doesn't mean they doesn't love each other...Of course their love doesn't seem to be as beautiful as Chang Qing and Zi Xuan (Tiffany Tang)'s but it doesn't mean their love isn't as deep. I just feel like they didn't react like Chang Qing and Zi Xuan. Chang Qing and Zi Xuan, their love story is a beautiful love story, a fairytale, a love of three lifetimes. They are older than Jing Tian and Xue Jian and have more experiences than them. Jing Tian and Xue Jian are only 19 and 18 years old respectively, their relattion are like modern teenagers of now. I just love them!! =D
vendredi 19 août 2011
Does Fei Peng love Xi Yao?
Yah, I'm currently rewatching Chinese Paladin 3 hehe! I just rewatched Fei Peng (Hu Ge) and Xi Yao (Yang Mi)'s parts!! =D I haven't played Xian Jian 3 but Yang Mi once said in an interview that Fei Peng and Xi Yao's relation in the game wasn't clear, so I am just wondering what you are thinking about them? Xi Yao loves Fei Peng deeply, I think everybody agree with it, but what about the other side? Does Fei Peng love Xi Yao?
Personally, I think it isn't even clear in his mind. He thinks that he loves her but actually Fei Peng doesn't really know what is love. He feels very lonely and has only Xi Yao to comfort him so he he feels very good when he is with her. He wished she could stay with him forever. Seriously, I do believe that he kind of like her but not love. The most important thing for him is to find an opponent. Remember the last thing he told her before leaving Heaven? Yah right, "Sorry". I believe he knows that she loves him and they once promised to stay together forever when he told her "Xi Yao, promise me to stay with me forever." but he finally chose battle over love...
samedi 6 août 2011
jeudi 28 juillet 2011
MV - Chinese Paladin 3 to Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (2)
I made Wallace Huo and Tiffany Tang turn into Zhang Cui San and Yin Su Su from Yi Tian Tu Long Ji aka Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre. It's certainly not the best but quite watchable for me, enjoy! ;D
I used scenes from Chinese Paladin 3, background musics and voices from TVB Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2000. It's viet dub yah, cuz I'm viet lol
dimanche 17 juillet 2011
Recast - Xiao Ao Jiang Hu
Have you heard about a rumour saying that there may be a remake of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu? Apparently, Yu Zheng's company will collaborate with another company (the one who do Zhang Ji Zhong's Jing Yong novel remake) to do a remake of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu. Although I am not a fan of Zhang Ji Zhong's remake, and Xiao Ao Jiang Hu is not my favourite Jing Yong's novel, I am still very excited with this new!! I just hope Hu Ge and Yang Mi could be casted as Ling Hu Chong and Ren Ying Ying! Sadly, Hu Ge is one of the best actor of Tangren's company...and considering that Yu Zheng and Tangren's relation is...hmm.....not very good....well, we can say that their relation is...very bad! But still! I still have hope!
My recast
Hu Ge as Ling Hu Chong
In an interview, Hu Ge once said that Ling Hu Chong is his favourite Jing Yong character so he may do his best to play his favourite character!! :D Ling Hu Chong isn't my favourite kind of character for Hu Ge to play but it shouldn'be that bad, Hu Ge can portray this character! Plus, from what I've read on spcnet forum, a lot of people choose Hu Ge as Ling Hu Chong!! Hope Yu Zheng will approach him for the role and hope that Hu Ge can accept even if Tangren doesn't let him go!
Yang Mi as Ren Ying Ying
I really want to see Yang Mi playing wuxia series and leave those palace series alone! I want to see her fighting! In Chinese Paladin 3, she didn't fight often...we can only see her doing a few moves...Ren Ying Ying is a complicated character, she is evil but she is very caring toward Ling Hu Chong. Sometimes, she is cold to him but inside she likes him. She also have a cute side and she is often jealous when Ling Hu Chong mentions Yue Ling Shan! Anyways, it's a hard character to portray but I do think that Yang Mi can do it. Just look at Xue Jian and Xi Yao!! Yang Mi's acting was just too good that we felt like they were two different person!
Yuan Hong as Lin Ping Zhi
Yuan Hong have the look the a rich spoiled guy and he somehow have a evil look too, just like his Yang Kang in Legend of the Condor Heroes 2008. Lin Ping Zhi was actually a rich guy too until his parents got killed. Plus, I don't know but I can picture his acting like a gay :D No, I don't mean that Yuan Hong is too feminine or whatever but...he can do it? Right?
Tang Yan as Yue Ling Shan
Hehe no, I didn't put Liu Shi Shi for the role even if I like Yuan Hong to be paired up with Liu Shi Shi. I put Tang Yang because I think she is just so cute and lovely when she played the young Zi Xuan when she first met Gu Liu Fang (Wallace Huo) in Chinese Paladin 3! Yang Mi would make a very good Yue Ling Shan too but I rather have her as Ren Ying Ying so that she can pair up with Hu Ge and she can leave that cute and sweet girl roles! ;D
Liu Shi Shi as Yi Lin
At first, I didn't have anyone who can portray Yi Lin, there were not any actress that I can picture bald, but then I saw a fanmade MV of Xiao Ao Jiang Hu where Liu Shi Shi was casted as Yi Lin, the person used clips of Liu Shi Shi from Legend of the Condor Heroes 2008 when she was pretending to be a nun. So that I've think about it, Yi Lin is not necessary bald! :D Liu Shi Shi have a sleepy look, she can absolutely portray a nun!
mardi 12 juillet 2011
MV - Chinese Paladin 3 to Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1)
I tried to make a MV of my version en Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre by using clips from Chinese Paladin 3 hehe! The song I used is a song from Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 1993.
Hu Ge as Zhang Wu Ji
Yang Mi as Zhao Min
Liu Shi Shi as Zhou Zhi Ruo
Wallace Huo as Zhang Cui San
Tang Yan as Yin Su Su
Actually, Yuan Hong is supposed to be Song Qing Shu but I didn't put him in the MV. For further informations about my recast, take a look at this post.
This is the first version, it's not completely done so yah, it's not that good. I really think that Wallace and Tang Yan will make a very good Zhang Cui San and Yin Su Su!!! As for Hu Ge and Yang Mi, in the MV, they may not be that good since Jing Tian and Xue Jing are not like Zhang Wu Ji and Zhao Min...but never mind! Just know that Hu Ge and Yang Mi can play Zhang Wu Ji and Zhao Min!
Hu Ge as Zhang Wu Ji
Yang Mi as Zhao Min
Liu Shi Shi as Zhou Zhi Ruo
Wallace Huo as Zhang Cui San
Tang Yan as Yin Su Su
Actually, Yuan Hong is supposed to be Song Qing Shu but I didn't put him in the MV. For further informations about my recast, take a look at this post.
This is the first version, it's not completely done so yah, it's not that good. I really think that Wallace and Tang Yan will make a very good Zhang Cui San and Yin Su Su!!! As for Hu Ge and Yang Mi, in the MV, they may not be that good since Jing Tian and Xue Jing are not like Zhang Wu Ji and Zhao Min...but never mind! Just know that Hu Ge and Yang Mi can play Zhang Wu Ji and Zhao Min!
samedi 2 juillet 2011
Poll result - Hu Ge's best pairing in the Chinese Paladin series
Jing Tian & Tang Xue Jian won with 20 votes,
followed by Li Xiao Yao & Zhao Ling Er with 13 votes,
jeudi 19 mai 2011
Recast - The Duke of Mount Deer
HI!! ;D It has been almost a month since my last post, I was busy with school and lack of inspirations (A) Hehe anyways, I guess you all know that Hu Ge and Liu Shi Shi are currently filming a mini-series of the Duke of Mount Deer? Promotion for the game, like Zhu Xian! So hum, yah! Why not making a recast myself with the Chinese Paladin cast? =P
Hu Ge as Wei Xiao Bao
Yuan Hong as Kang Xi
Yang Mi as A Ke
Tiffany Tang as Shuang Er
Ariel Lin as Jian Ning
Chen Zi Han as Shu Quan
Ady An as Fang Yi
Liu Shi Shi as Mu Jian Ping
Liu Yi Fei as Zeng Rou
Hu Ge as Wei Xiao Bao
Honestly, I have never thought about casting Hu Ge as Wei Xiao Bao lol...I didn't want him to shave his head!! =O But in the mini-series, he didn't have to shave his head, and from the pictures I saw, he looks quite good as Wei Xiao Bao ;D
Yuan Hong as Kang Xi
Who else lol? Well there is also Wallace Huo but somehow I think Yuan Hong looks more like a young prince (well Kang Xi is a king in the story but he was still young!!) Plus, Hu Ge and Yuan Hong worked together so many times, they have good chemistry!! hehe!
For the wives, I've chosen the actresses before casting them. Except for Chen Zi Han which I took more time to cast since the role Shu Quan is supposed to be the oldest wife so...I didn't know who to cast. I chose Yang Mi, Tiffany Tang, Ady An, Liu Shi Shi and Liu Yi Fei because they are from Chinese Paladin and most of them were paired with Hu Ge in the series. Ariel also paired up with Hu Ge in The Legend of the Condor Heroes 2008 (Tian Wai Fei Xian too but I didn't watch it).
Yang Mi as A Ke
No, I didn't cast her as A Ke because I love the Hu Ge - Yang Mi pairing and that A Ke is Wei Xiao Bao's favourite wife...It was because I think she fit the role. Basing on her performance in Chinese Paladin 3, she can be a violent and mean girl lol. Although she looked too modern in Chinese Paldin 3 and lack of classic beauty, I believe it was because of her outlook in there. Yang Mi can look more classic. But she still looks too young so I won't cast her as Chen Yuan Yuan too. If she gain some weight to look more healthy, it would be great! She will look more beautiful! ;D
Tiffany Tang as Shuang Er
I think Tang Yan do look like an innocent and obedient girl from the picture above. She looks young and cute. Plus, her acting is quite good. She can probably play a nice Shuang Er!!
Ariel Lin as Jian Ning
Well, I cast Ariel as Jian Ning because she looks funny lol I don't know why...Plus, personnally I don't think Ariel is beautiful, no offense...She isn't beautiful ennough to be A Ke, she looks too smart to be Shuang Er and Mu Jian Ping, and she is too young to be Shu Quan. Since the beginning, I give the role of Fang Yi to Ady and I don't think Liu Yi Fei can be a Jian yah...I think Ariel fit Jian Ning the most.
Chen Zi Han as Su Quan
It was the hardest cast for me, I didn't know who to cast until Chen Zi Han pop up in my head. She can look gorgeous and she have already worked with Hu Ge in The Myth. I do think it's a good choice to cast Chen Zi Han as Su Quan.
Ady An as Fang Yi
Basing on her Lin Yue Ru in Chinese Paladin, I think she can play Fang Yi...Honestly, I don't really like Ady, and I don't like Fang Yi yah, why not casting Ady as Fang Yi?!
Liu Shi Shi as Mu Jian Ping
I've thought about giving Liu Shi Shi a more important role but thinking back, I think she fits Mu Jian Ping more among the wives...Maybe because I'm used to her blue Long Kui...
Liu Yi Fei as Zeng Rou
It was simply because I didn't find an appropriate role for her...She can maybe be Mu Jian Ping too but I think Liu Shi Shi would be better....She looks too nice and innocent to be A Ke, Jian Ning and Fang Yi, too weak to be Shuang Er and too young to be Shu Quan...
vendredi 29 avril 2011
Xi Yao VS Ma Xiao Ling
When I first saw Xi Yao (played by Yang Mi), she reminded me of Ma Xiao Ling (played by Joey Meng) in My Date with a Vampire 3. Not because of her face but it's the hair accessory! Don't it look alike? =P It's sure not the same but there is a strong resemblance!
dimanche 17 avril 2011
Chinese Paladin 3 & Journey to the West?
Don't you think Chang Qing (played by Wallace Huo) and Zi Xuan (Tiffany Tang)'s love story in Chinese Paladin 3 sound like Yu Shu (played by Chin Ka Lok) and Shi Shi (played by Angie Cheung)'s story in TVB Journey to the West? Both story have a love story going on three lifetimes.
Also, what I like about Yu Shu and Shi Shi's story is that in the first life, he carried her in the fire to died with her, and in the third life, she was the one who carry him in the fire to die with him. I think I am more touched by Yu Shu and Shi Shi's story. I pity her alot, it was somehow more tragic while Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's was more beautiful. In the third life, Yu Shu and Shi Shi could have been together if only he didn't only think about eating Tang San Zang (played by Kong Wah). At least, Yu Shu knew his mistakes before his death...But on the other hand, maybe Yu Shu and Shi Shi are more lucky than Chang Qing and Zi Xuan if we think about the future. Yu Shu and Shi Shi can be reunited in their next reincarnations while Chang Qing and Zi Xuan can't. The reason why Zi Xuan let go of Chang Qing, it was because she understood that her presence stop him from achieving his goal. If she don't let go, Chang Qing will continue to become taoist in each life and they will continue to have tragic ends. Yu Shu and Shi Shi's separation was just for one life, they can meet in the next life while in Zi Xuan's case, she let him go, she give up on their love, there won't be a continuation...In conclusion, I can only say that I love both stories, even after a lot of reflections, I still can determinate which one is better...I think the answer just doesn't exist, both are good in their owns way...Both happen to be a beautiful and tragic love story...
- Their story starts with the girl, young and innocent, see the outside world for the first time.
- The guy and the girl love each other but people want to separate them. In Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's case, it was because he is a taoist so he can't get married while in Yu Shu and Shi Shi's it was because she is a demon spider and he is a human.
- Having no choice, the couple decided to die together. Unfortunately, only the guy died. The girl was saved by her inner powers.
- Then, the girl lived alone, waiting for the guy's reincarnation.
Although the two stories had the same beginning, it didn't end the same way...By the way, I will use the name "Chang Qing" for every lifetimes of Wallace's character cuz I think it's easier for the comprehension. Fortunately that Yu Shu get the same name in each lifetime XD Also, what I called "Yu Shu's second life" is probably not the life just after the one where he first met Shi Shi lol since 500 years have passed in yah...I don't think Yu Shu lived for 500 years lol.
- In Chinese Paladin 3, the couple succeed to get married in his second life but still get a tragic ending....In Journey to the West, when Shi Shi found Yu Shu, it was too late, he died by sickness a while ago...she was only able to see his corpse...
- Another difference in the second lifetime of the guy is that Chang Qing didn't remember anything about Zi Xuan while Yu Shu did. At first it wasn't clear in Yu Shu's mind, he didn't know what he was waiting for, he only know that he must wait. Plus, he hated people who kill spiders. He slowly remember her though, juste before his death, his last words were: "Shi Shi"...
- After the guy died again, the girl had no choice but to continue to wait for his next reincarnation...
- In the third life, Chang Qing became once again a taoist and he fell in love with Zi Xuan again. As for Yu Shu, he is now a centipede demon and is evil. He actually remember her but he doesn't love her like back then, he is only using her.
- At the end, on Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's side, there was a heartbroken separation. They love each other but accepted to let go of each other since they both have they respective way. Plus, they rather live heartbroken than forgetting each other by drinking the forgetful water. In Journey to the West, it was not before his death that Yu Shu realized that he was wrong and that he should have treated Shi Shi better. Once again, they died together and wish to continue their love stories in their next lifes.
The best one?
There isn't a best one. I think both versions of the stories are beautiful and touching. I think Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's love was deeper, it's was a true undying love. Even at the end where they were far of each other physically, they hearts were still together. Well deeper, I think it was just the fact that their love was reciprocal. Shi Shi's love for Yu Shu was of course not under Zi Xuan's love for Chang Qing. The irreprocical love also make Shi Shi more pitiful than Zi Xuan. At least, Zi Xuan get loved by her man in each lifetimes. It wasn't the case with Shi Shi. She wasn't even able to see a living Yu Shu in his second life, she only saw his corpse...and in his third life, he just didn't treat her well....Plus, Shi Shi put more time and effort to look for Yu Shu's reincarnation. After 500 years, she still haven't find him because she had no clues where to find him while Zi Xuan knew exactly where is Chang Qing.

dimanche 10 avril 2011
Recast - Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre?
I know that this recast isnt't possible since Mainland just aired a Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre a while ago...but still! Wouldn't it be great if the Chinese Paladin 3 crew collaborate again in a remake of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, also known as Yi Tian Tu Long Ji? I think they fit the characters and it would be a lot better than Yi Tian Tu Long Ji 2009 which I find very disappointing...
Hu Ge as Zhang Wu Ji
Yang Mi as Zhao Min
Liu Shi Shi as Zhou Zhi Ruo
Yuan Hong as Song Qing Shu
Wallace Huo and Tiffany Tang guest staring as Zhang Cui San and Yin Su Su
Okay, maybe Liu Shi Shi may not be as beautiful as Zhou Zhi Ruo was supposed to be, she may look too sleepy, but I am pretty sure she can carry on the role. From her performance as Red Long Kui, I believe, she would be great as the evil Zhou Zhi Ruo. As for the nice and kind one, I don't think it's a challenge for Liu Shi Shi.
And I believe some people may think that Yang Mi doesn't suit Zhao Min because she's too "Xue Jian" kind but I think Yang Mi's acting is quite good, she surely can portray Zhao Min. Her look doesn't mean anything, it depends on her acting and her character's outlook. Just like how she did well as Xi Yao even if she have the "Xue Jian" look.
Here are two wallpapers I made for the recast just for fun.
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Zhao Min (Yang Mi) appeared at Zhang Wu Ji (Hu Ge) and Zhou Zhi Ruo (Liu Shi Shi)'S wedding. She told Zhang Wu Ji to not marry Zhou Zhi Ruo, making Zhou Zhi Ruo angry and attacked Zhao Min. |
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Yin Su Su (Tiffany Tang) see her husband, Zhang Cui San (Wallace Huo) commit suicide. |
vendredi 8 avril 2011
Outfits & Hairstyles - Zi Xuan
Zi Xuan (played by Tiffany Tang) is the the female lead who get the most of costumes and hairstyles in the series!! She looks so good in Chinese Paladin 3!
Aren't all those purple costumes lovely? I know some of them are not purple..but still lovely! hehe I like the second one of the second row the most!! But the one she's wearing most of the time in the series isn't bad either.
She got a lot of different hairstyles too, I think she looks different with each hairstyles, it really fits with her character's progression. I know the two last one are the same but she didn't have the same accessory in her forehead...XD I like the first hairstyle, the one where she first meet Gu Liu Fang (played by Wallace Huo), she looks so young and innocent. I also like the first one of third row! Well, she looks good with any hairstyle..!
Outfits - Tang Xue Jian
Just for fun, a post for Tang Xue Jian's outfits in Chinese Paladin 3! =P
I like the 6th one the most, how about you? ;)
jeudi 7 avril 2011
Tang Xue Jian VS Lin Yue Ru (2)
After watching Chinese Paladin for a second time, I still keep the same opinion. I still think that Xue Jian was more a lovely and young girl while Yue Ru somehow become more mature with time but wasn't lovely like Xue Jian. I don't like how Yue Ru was too spoiled. She wasn't like that in the game...she didn't want to eat anything except the noodles of her was like too much? Yue Ru gave the image of a girl that doesn't care about anyone and thinks she's the best but turn out to be more mature fortunately while Xue Jian gave the image of a little young spoiled girl, but Xue Jian wasn't too spoiled, she listens to people and is willing to change. She will admit it when she is wrong and was very respectful to her grandpa. People may think that Yue Ru at the end become more mature while Xue Jian was still the same but I think Xue Jian have changed a lot too. Although she was still acting cute around Jing Tian, I must say that she was more mature and less spoiled. She is willing to sacrifice. Like at the end, she wanted to jump in fire to forge the sword, she understand Long Kui's love for her brother so she accepted to die. It was like Yue Ru's sacrifice for Li Xiao Yao and Zhao Ling Er. The different is just that Yue Ru really died so people pity her more than Xue Jian who get to live at the end. Personally, I really like Xue Jian, a way better than Yue Ru..
vendredi 1 avril 2011
Yang Mi's "most category"
Most successful scene: The ending, where Jing Tian and Xue Jian watch the snow falling down
Most difficult scene: Xue Jian's first appearance
Most touching scene: Xue Jian's granpa's death
Most memorable scene: Xi Yao's reunion with Fei Peng after 1000 years of waiting
Most hard scene: The first battle with the zombies (poisonous person) because of the cold temperature
Most funny scene: The "Earth Pearl" scene (more than 20 NGs)
Most favourite dialogue: "Love make reunion become short, making separation become more cruel."
Most favourite costume: The one she wore at the end
This one!

samedi 26 mars 2011
GeMi - compatibility (2)
More GeMiness! ;)
Hu Ge and Yang Mi have matching clothes. Don't their jacket look alike? ;P
same bracelet too!! ;D
Hu Ge and Yang Mi have matching clothes. Don't their jacket look alike? ;P
same bracelet too!! ;D
Hu Ge and Yang Mi's Fate:
- Yang Mi was very excited and happy to work again with Hu Ge in Chinese Paladin 3. She said that her heart beats faster every time she sees him.
- Hu Ge said that he was the one who taught Yang Mi to use her seductive eyes to seduce men in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi.
- They are both part of the 4 leading young actors (四大小生) and 4 little flowers (四小花旦) of the 80s generation and both received the highest number of votes in their respective category.
- Yang Mi was asked to be the female lead for the game Fantasy Zhu Xian but she refused because she was already endorsing another game: Tian Xia Er. This lead to some unhapiness on Tang Ren Management and there were some negative comment on Yang Mi, saying that she was endorsing a competing game. Fortunately, Hu Ge defended her on his blog.
- Both works too hard! They must take a rest, they look so tired! They have a minimum of 4 series and 2 movies in 2010-2011. It's too much, too hard-working!
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