- Their story starts with the girl, young and innocent, see the outside world for the first time.
- The guy and the girl love each other but people want to separate them. In Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's case, it was because he is a taoist so he can't get married while in Yu Shu and Shi Shi's it was because she is a demon spider and he is a human.
- Having no choice, the couple decided to die together. Unfortunately, only the guy died. The girl was saved by her inner powers.
- Then, the girl lived alone, waiting for the guy's reincarnation.
Although the two stories had the same beginning, it didn't end the same way...By the way, I will use the name "Chang Qing" for every lifetimes of Wallace's character cuz I think it's easier for the comprehension. Fortunately that Yu Shu get the same name in each lifetime XD Also, what I called "Yu Shu's second life" is probably not the life just after the one where he first met Shi Shi lol since 500 years have passed in yah...I don't think Yu Shu lived for 500 years lol.
- In Chinese Paladin 3, the couple succeed to get married in his second life but still get a tragic ending....In Journey to the West, when Shi Shi found Yu Shu, it was too late, he died by sickness a while ago...she was only able to see his corpse...
- Another difference in the second lifetime of the guy is that Chang Qing didn't remember anything about Zi Xuan while Yu Shu did. At first it wasn't clear in Yu Shu's mind, he didn't know what he was waiting for, he only know that he must wait. Plus, he hated people who kill spiders. He slowly remember her though, juste before his death, his last words were: "Shi Shi"...
- After the guy died again, the girl had no choice but to continue to wait for his next reincarnation...
- In the third life, Chang Qing became once again a taoist and he fell in love with Zi Xuan again. As for Yu Shu, he is now a centipede demon and is evil. He actually remember her but he doesn't love her like back then, he is only using her.
- At the end, on Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's side, there was a heartbroken separation. They love each other but accepted to let go of each other since they both have they respective way. Plus, they rather live heartbroken than forgetting each other by drinking the forgetful water. In Journey to the West, it was not before his death that Yu Shu realized that he was wrong and that he should have treated Shi Shi better. Once again, they died together and wish to continue their love stories in their next lifes.
The best one?
There isn't a best one. I think both versions of the stories are beautiful and touching. I think Chang Qing and Zi Xuan's love was deeper, it's was a true undying love. Even at the end where they were far of each other physically, they hearts were still together. Well deeper, I think it was just the fact that their love was reciprocal. Shi Shi's love for Yu Shu was of course not under Zi Xuan's love for Chang Qing. The irreprocical love also make Shi Shi more pitiful than Zi Xuan. At least, Zi Xuan get loved by her man in each lifetimes. It wasn't the case with Shi Shi. She wasn't even able to see a living Yu Shu in his second life, she only saw his corpse...and in his third life, he just didn't treat her well....Plus, Shi Shi put more time and effort to look for Yu Shu's reincarnation. After 500 years, she still haven't find him because she had no clues where to find him while Zi Xuan knew exactly where is Chang Qing.

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