samedi 20 août 2011

Li Xiao Yao VS Jing Tian

My opinion has changed lol I was probably blinded by Hu Ge's look...Since he looked older in Chinese Paladin 3, I've always thought that Jing Tian have more leadership and less immature than Li Xiao Yao but actually, I'm wrong.

Hu Ge acted a way more immature as Jing Tian than Li Xiao Yao. I finally understand when Hu Ge said that thw two characters aren't the same. Li Xiao Yao has always been a hero. As for Jing Tian, he is just a simple young man who didn't think about being a hero at all. He only wants to be rich, to own the pawnshop Yong An to fulfill his father's wish. During battles, Li Xiao Yao fights for real but Jing Tian often uses his brain to win. Hehe, I can finally see the difference between those two characters...I'm a bit slow...but still! It's better being late than never! =D

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